Monitor and Notify When Approaching Service LimitsGet Current IAM Identity TypeScriptHow To Determine If A S3 Object Exists TypescriptCalling Lambda Functions From Another Lambda Function: A Comprehensive GuideFind First IP Address in VPC That Can Be AllocatedScan and Find Security Groups That Are Too Open Common PortsCreate Presigned S3 URL for Uploading TypeScriptCleanup Unused AMIs and Snapshots Older Than 30 DaysDelete Old and Unused Lambda Function Versions using TypescriptFetch AWS Cost and Usage Data to Determine the Most Used ServiceTroubleshooting Why I Can't Connect To My EC2 Instance By SSHFind and Deprovision Unallocated Elastic IP Addresses to Save CostsGet All Not Versioned S3 BucketsGet the total cost of AWS CloudWatch for the current monthList and Categorize S3 Buckets by their Public/Private Access Settings